Wednesday 10 March 2010

Scents of Smell

The smell of my mother is one I will never tire of. I think the the ultimate smell for me. Though I will never wear it myself its one that I will always keep a bottle of.

                                                                                                                                                                                    In my continual search for the perfect scent I've accumulated a fair amount of perfume but I always return to a few favourites which have left lasting impressions. Chanel No 5 is one I wear very occasionally, usually for really special occasions'. The last time I wore it was about 6 months ago to a meal at the Glasshouse with my boyfriend. Its a smell that reminds me of love.

                                                                                                                                                                                         I also love Classique by John Paul Gaultier, its heavy floral scent makes me think of summer walks and hot days in long grass fields. Its definitely one of my favourites.

The Real McCoy Exeter

 Nina By Nina Ricci is one a wear on a daily basis, mainly because its a really cheerful smell. It's sweet without being sickly and isn't to overpowering. Its a really youthful smell so I don't think I'll be able to wear it forever but for now it will do for days out to The Real McCoy.

 Burberry Brit is my all time favourite perfume, there is something about the combination of fruit and wood that really hits home with me. To me it smells like sunshine makes you feel and despite the chav packaging I love it. I try to resist wearing it everyday as I don't want to get bored of it. It holds really good memories of walking through Pittville park in the spring sunshine and sitting on the benches by the lake watching the ducks.

Ever since I can remember I have loved perfume. I have vivid childhood memories of making perfume from rose petals and daisies to give to my ever grateful mum. I'm sure they smelt truely terrible.
 To me fragrance is a really personal and emotional experience. It's not so much about smelling nice but finding a combination of scents that define you. I think someone's scent can leave a lasting impression both good and bad. My mother always wore Lancome Poeme and to me that will always be her smell. I still keep a bottle hidden away, and all I have to do is take a quick sniff and I can remember everything about her. I guess that's why I have such a passion for fragrance, I want to recreate the lasting impression she did. For me fragrance is like music, in the way certain songs are attached to certain memories and emotions certain smells hold particular associations.
 I find the composite of perfume really interesting and when I'm feeling particularly geeky I like to go online and look up the top notes, heart and base notes of different brands and I was lucky enough to be able to complete a course on perfumery at work. I'ts a smelly persons dream.

1 comment:

  1. this is a lovely post xoxo

    I've left an award for you on my blog xoxo
