Sunday 6 June 2010

J'adore Tim Walker

                      Unknown                                                                     Tim Walker with Blue Lamb.         
I cannot put into words how much I love Tim Walker's work. I think it's his use of nature that gets me the most. His work makes me feel the way I do when on a summers walk, relaxed and warm and joyful and excited by what is around the corner. For me his use of colour and natural aesthetic really bring the fashion to life. I don't think there are many fashion photographers out there who make fashion fun, which in my mind is what it's meant to be, I think there is nothing worse then when 'fashion people' take it too seriously and take all of the pleasure of out it. Surely the point of dressing up in all of these clothes is to feel good and to enjoy wearing, and looking at them. Everyone always looks like they are having such fun and I don't think the whimsy of the shots detracts at all from their subject which I think is a real accomplishment.

 Vogue UK                                                                       Tim Walker for Hermes 2009

                       Vogue Italia 2009.

I think I have a thing for cinematic photography which is another reason I love Walker so much, all of his shots seem epic even when they are just portraits, the attention to detail makes them like mini works of art, or short films or stories. I was recently gifted his AMAZING book Pictures (thanks Thom, x) which is, honestly the best book I own ( it should be for £70) there is such a vast amount of pictures (obviously) and sketchbook work to look and that I can't even contemplate the work that must go into each shoot, spraying sheep purple of making large scale swan replicas. It all sounds and looks like good fun though. Maybe one day I will accomplish photos that meet his brilliance. In my dreams! (Though he does come from Devon too, so there is always hope, eh!)

 Vogue Italia 2009                                                              Unknown 2009


  1. Anything is possible with dedication (obviously not breaking physical laws, but you could dedicate yourself to studying the sciences and discover something that changes the 'laws' of physics, or introduces new ideas). It's all just a matter of dedication, and knowing it's never too late.
